IEEE Communications Society Registration Policy
Approved by the ComSoc Meetings and Conferences Board 2 December 2003
Registration Policy: "Every paper accepted for an IEEE ComSoc financially sponsored M&C event with a profit/loss investment of 50% or greater, must have attached to it at least one Full/Limited Conference Registration at either the member/nonmember rate".

Note: "Limited" is a registration catagory for ICC/Globecom

Example 1.
Joe Smith, a Full IEEE Member and Fred Black, a Student IEEE Member are the co-authors of one accepted paper. One of them must register for the conference at the Full/Limited rate regardless of their membership type.
Example 2.
Joe Smith, a Full IEEE Member and Fred Black, a Student IEEE Member are the co-authors of two accepted papers. Both of them must register for the conference at the Full/Limited rate regardless of their membership type.
Example 3.
Joe Smith, a Full IEEE Member is the co-authors of three accepted papers. Each paper has a different co-author who is a Student IEEE Member. Each paper must have a different author register for the conference at the Full/Limited rate regardless of their membership type.
Example 4.
Joe Smith, a Full IEEE Member is the sole author of two accepted papers. He must register once for the conference at the Full/Limited rate.
Example 5.
Fred Black , a Student IEEE Member is the sole author of two accepted papers. He must register once for the conference at the Full/Limited rate regardless of their membership type.